Looking for some digital photography tips and tricks? In this series I present some practical tips to you that help get the most out of your digital camera. Taking outside pictures can be exhilarating. You can make beautiful pictures of some landscapes, a setting sun or dark clouds. When those dark clouds start providing us with rain, it becomes a little more challenging. You can still take beautiful pictures, but you will need to keep your camera dry.
Looking for some digital photography tips and tricks? In this series I present some practical tips to you that help get the most out of your digital camera. Taking outside pictures can be exhilarating. You can make beautiful pictures of some landscapes, a setting sun or dark clouds. When those dark clouds start providing us with rain, it becomes a little more challenging. You can still take beautiful pictures, but you will need to keep your camera dry.
Keeping the camera dry becomes very difficult when the weather is not good. Whether you are an amateur or professional photographer the following tips will help you keep your camera dry. So, if you love to take photos of the natural world in bad weather, follow the below advice.
Digital Photography Tip #1: Lens Hoods & Filters:
When you are taking photos while it is raining, it is important to keep the rain off the lens to avoid poor image quality. What you really need under these circumstances is a UV lens filter. It will protect your lens while a lens hood will help to shield the front end from falling rain. The UV filters are great. You can simply screw them onto the end of your lens and it will allow you to wipe the front end often, without the risk of damaging the expensive lens. These types of filters are pretty cheap and if they become damaged, you can simply throw them away.
Digital Photography Tip #2: Carry a Lens Cloth:
In order to wipe the rain you can carry a micro fibber lens cloth. The chamois leather is also absorbent and ideal for mopping up raindrops on cameras and lens barrels. The advantage of using lens clothes is that you can use them without scratching the lens or filter. You should also carry a second cloth to keep your hands dry or wipe away any dirt.
Digital Photography Tip #3: Use An Umbrella:
If you go to cover a match or the similar events, you can carry a large golf umbrella. The golf umbrellas are ideal for keeping you and your camera dry and out of the rain. They also prove useful for shielding your cameras from strong winds and help to prevent camera shake. One disadvantage of it is that you will need at least one free hand to hold the umbrella. Unless, of course, you bring your tripod.
Digital Photography Tip #4: Change Your Lens Under Cover:
You must be careful enough so that rain does not enter your digital camera. To prevent the rain getting on your sensor you should always change lenses under cover. This will prevent any rain, dust etc to enter your camera. Either get out of the rain completely, or use some kind of improvised shelter. You must be so careful when opening your camera to change lenses outdoors, it is not worth the risk.
Rain can be very, very damaging to your digital camera. But some of the above digital photography tips and tricks should make sure you are prepared. You shouldn't avoid going out when it is cloudy. After all
, you can often get great shots just before 'hell breaks loose'. But make sure you know what you need to do if the weather turns out to be nastier than expected.

Source: Free Articles from ArticlesFactory.com
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