Having hard time taking pictures of your pooch? Here are some photography tips for you...
The average dog lover is under the impression that her dog's looks is enough to give that fabulous calendar-Weimaraner or Afghan Hound a run for their money. Nevertheless, more work is really needed, if our average-amateur is to ever match the skill of the vibrancy and composition of the experts.
Schedule the shoot. It is obvious that still-portraits of the so-called sensitive sort will be far easier to implement after a three mile run, not before it. Not much Cockapoo Training to burn on this tip.
Shoot plenty of photos. Whatever the subject, this must be among the most basic tips in improving one's camera work. More clicking of the shutter means greater chances of quality shots. And don't forget to get an extra battery.
Go down to your dog's level. Standing over your dog and focusing downwards lead to photos that are similar to most of what is out there. In other words, literally see your dog at eye level, and there are more chances of quality shots.
Get your dog used to the camera. Initially, the blinding flash and the whirring noise can disorient and startle your dog. But let your dog take a good sniff at the camera, then afterwards casually take shots of the surroundings (those using film will want to orient the dog to the camera while it does not have film).
Keep the whole thing natural and relaxed. One thing that definitely does not work is the waving of treats at your dog, all the while saying excitedly how cute it is and how you want to take its photo.
Use the background to your advantage. Choose backgrounds that bring out the best in your dog or complement its form and-or color: rows of ramrod straight trees, white sand beaches.
Turn off flash. Many amateur would-be artists prefer working with the natural warmth of sunlight. Minimize the wash-out look by shooting in days with a slight overcast, in the shade during a sunny day, or in the mornings or evenings.
Here's a trick for a more natural-looking shot if you have an off-camera flash. As you press the shutter, swivel it upward so the light's bouncing off the ceiling.
Experiment with your artistic touch. Try coming closer until your dog's face fills the view. Snap photos of your dog in profile, at angles, head on, ... all these are fields for your creativity to investigate. Besides, who knows if future admirers of your work will say the most meaningful was a shot of your dog's unique tail curl, or unusual ear folds, or blow-up of its face wrinkles?
Lastly, its good to get assistance too. For an even wider range of action photos, get a friend to distract your dog with a chew toy as you keep clicking away. Check too
, if the dog will instead go loco once it sees its toys. This explains the meaning of knowing your dog in Cockapoo Training.

Source: Free Articles from ArticlesFactory.com
Richard Cussons is a long-time dog enthusiast who loves to write articles including cockapoo training. Check out cockapoosavvy.com for more cockapoo training advice.
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